When you suffer from a poorly controlled chronic health condition, every moment becomes a question mark: Will I have pain today? Is something going to trigger a relapse? I slept badly - will I have a flare? Why can’t anyone help me solve this problem? Constant concerns about your health are exacerbated by frustration over ineffective treatments and endless medical bills. Too often, complementary medicine is overlooked as a viable option.
Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific places on the body. Performed by trained and licensed practitioners, acupuncture is proven to relieve and even resolve the symptoms of many chronic conditions. Therefore, River Edge, NJ patients should consider complimentary acupuncture when seeking relief from their chronic conditions.
Though the exact way acupuncture works physiologically is unclear, data show that patients experience significant relief from the symptoms of chronic conditions after acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture is believed the stimulate the nervous system, and this stimulation releases chemicals into the musculoskeletal system, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes are believed to enhance the body's healing processes and relieve chronic symptoms from various conditions.
Acupuncture is touted as a treatment for everything from infertility to chronic pain. An immense range of chronic conditions can be improved with acupuncture. Acupuncture patients in River Edge, NJ, may benefit from therapy for the treatment of diseases in the following body systems:
When you are ready to seek relief from chronic health conditions, consider using acupuncture as a complementary therapy. Once you are ready to take the plunge, ensure that you have taken the necessary steps before your first appointment.
Chronic disease is exhausting; finding an acupuncturist concerned with your holistic well-being is crucial to feeling supported and understood as a patient
When you are ready for relief from your chronic condition, get in touch for acupuncture in River Edge, NJ at Amla Healing Arts.